If you truly love nature, you will find beauty everywhere.
~ Laura Ingalls Wilder
Waterman Mitigation Partners is dedicated to the objective of providing restoration and enhancement of wetlands and habitat to support the goal of “No Net Loss”.
Wetland Mitigation Banking provides large-scale restoration, enhancement and preservation opportunities with the greatest likelihood of success. Unavoidable, permitted impacts requiring off-site mitigation solutions are directed by the Federal Mitigation Rule to use mitigation bank credits if an established bank is accessible.The reason behind this policy is sound: mitigation banks provide the greatest functional lift and likelihood of in-perpetuity success while adhering to the strict regulatory standards and protections. Waterman Mitigation Partners is an industry leader in the development of all aspects of mitigation banking, including site selection, feasibility assessment, mitigation planning, bank establishment and permitting, construction, marketing and banking instrument creation and coordination.