Heaven is under our feet as well as over our heads. ~ Henry David Thoreau
The Waterman Team
Waterman Mitigation Partners and its associates are wetland mitigation professionals from the fields of environmental science, wetland biology, land surveying, ecology, environmental restoration and preservation, construction and landscaping services. Waterman Mitigation Partners has developed a high level of trust and success with Washington State/SE Alaska permitting agencies and IRT members, including US Army Corps of Engineers (Juneau, Kenai, Sitka, Anchorage, Vancouver and Seattle district offices), USFWS, EPA, NMFS, WA and AK Fish and Game, US Forest Service, and municipalities/entities as relevant to local projects. Our clients have included mining companies, corporations, port districts, not for profit associations and municipalities.
Steve Sego, President
Steve has developed and constructed mitigation banks and consolidated mitigation projects for more than 20 years. His projects include the permitting of several mitigation banks in Washington, as well as two consolidated mitigation projects in Washington and Alaska. With the support of Ecological Land Services, Steve permitted and constructed the first Consolidated Mitigation Project in Washington, the Remy Mitigation Project in Battle Ground, Washington. He is the founder of Waterman Mitigation Partners (WMP) and Nevada Creek Mitigation Partners (NCMP), and currently resides in Washington. Steve has decades of experience in land use and public policy, community development and political campaigns.
Coreen Haydock, Partner
Coreen has worked with WMP for more than 7 years, and has been actively engaged on Alaska and Washington projects. She serves as the company’s business and contracts manager, as well as field/site coordinator. Coreen has over 40 years of administrative and community development experience.
Mike Stoican, Project Manager
Mike has been integral to WMP Alaska and PNW operations. Serving as project manager for the Nevada Creek Mitigation Project, Mike oversaw logistics and groundwork on-site at the locations of mitigation and restoration. A life long outdoorsman, Mike is in his element when he is knee-deep in a creek or hiking through thick riparian forests. Mike has also served as faculty at Olympic College and plays a mean guitar.
Dustin Haydock, Site Assessment Specialist
Dustin is a 5th generation Kitsap native with deep connections to the land and the communities it supports. Dustin has earned his Master’s in Environmental History and Philosophy and is a life-long student of the outdoors and the innate wisdom of the natural world. In the field, Dustin assesses and gathers data on habitats and hydrological functions - work that allows him to explore PNW’s many creeks, wetlands, forests and waterscapes.
Joshua Johnson,
& Public Outreach
Josh has worked in digital marketing and communications for the last 15 years. This work has taken him to dozens of countries, working with 100+ organizations. Specializing in media creation, PR, public outreach and digital communications, Josh assists the WMP team in capturing media in the field and communicating project details with stakeholders and the public.
Partners and Associates
Ecological Land Services
The Ecological Land Services, Inc. (ELS) is made up of veteran wetlands and habitat biologists from Washington and Oregon. The ELS team has permitted successfully over 1,500 private and public projects in the Pacific Northwest since 1996.
Led by Francis Naglich, Principal Wetland Biologist and Tim Haderly, Ecologist, ELS has been working on two large capital wetland mitigation projects in SE Alaska in coordination with Waterman Mitigation Partners and Nevada Creek Mitigation Partners.